Sunday, February 26, 2012

More about Chloe... Chi Hua Hua Princess..

Chloe stayed over for 2 nights... and I have learnt a lot about her... Whenever i put her at her bed, she would sit there for a while.. then after that climb out of her basket to cuddle by side to sleep...Last night was doing my weekend spring cleaning till around 4 am.. but to her, its just night ... so at 7 am, when the sun shines through my window, she greeted me morning by licking all over my face... I was too darn tired to respond, but she just continue doing anyway till i woke up and pet her back to sleep ...

After half an hour she woke me up again, this time with her tiny paws petting all over my face.. then when i opened my eyes, all i see her looking at my in my eyes with those "puppy look eyes" (Like the Puss in Boots eyes that will make you go awwwwwww) , then again i pet her to sleep...

Managed to get a few more hours of sleep though..

Good thing for sure she didn't did her business on my bed, she walked out to the diaper pad we placed for her to do her business.. Not every puppy will do such stuff.. so can say she is quite clever :)

Just to share the moments i had with her last night... Hope she will find a nice owner soon too!

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