Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The newborn pups looking for a new home!

These puppies are cute.. but do not adopt hastily.. They are for adoption with a fee. For more information, do email adoptapup@live.com . Do note that I do screen those who wants to adopt them, doesn't mean money can buy everything as this requires a long term commitment. Thanks and cheers!

My Chi Hua Hua's First Reunion Gathering!

Our first gathering after quite a while at Botanical Gardens! Here are the moments :

The Newborn pups "Open House" and Mini reunion

As I was quite busy with my work, couldn't manage to prepare the photos to post up.. Anyway, here are the photos to share with you all! Enjoy!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sneak preview of today's furry reunion gathering..

Here's a sneak preview of our reunion gathering today. A Family portraiture in a furry way.. :)

A Furry Family Portraiture...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Snowie has found a new home !

Snowie has found a new home, her new owner, Jocelyn ! Don't worry because I will be updating her status as she grows.. Stay tuned !

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The pups have grown and looking for a new home with an adoption fee.

They may be cute and cuddly but getting a pet is a long term commitment. Do not get it hastily cos it is cute. Only get it because you know you want to have a companion for life.

For interested parties who wants to adopt them, do email at adoptapup@live.com .

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A touching moment .... The Power of A Mother's Love...

Today went to drop by my home to help my mum on some printer issues in our home pc and as usual Mao Mao and Mimi came and find me, both trying hard to be carried and hugged. So I just carried one by one and put them down after a while as I am working on the home pc.

Then I heard the pups calling out... I guess they are hungry.. And Mimi looked up towards the direction of her pups then turned to look at me and stayed. I can see that she wants to go feed her pups but at the same time, she missed me as I am hardly home, so i just tell her to go to her pups, and follow her to her pups so at least she can see me at her side while she is feeding her pups.. It is the power of her love to her pups and to her owner..... that's the touching part... Anyway, these are the recent photos of Mao Mao and Mimi still being so hyper and happy !

Mao Mao lying on the bed... Chilling..

Mimi as usual always being alert and watching her hubby Chilling -_-"

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The 2nd Litter of Mimi's pups....Live!

There are quite a lot of requests to view the pups live so I did a short video for you all to see.. Will be posting up some other snapshots of the pups too! As I was trying out some new lens, so wasn't really accurate on some focus... do pardon me... Enjoy ! For interested parties who wants to adopt, please email adoptapup@live.com

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Fantastic Four...

Another bundle of joys for Mimi ! Her 4 new born was just born yesterday! Stay tuned as I will be updating more on the progress of these 4 new pups!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Chloe's New Owner

The time has come for Chloe to move to her new home. This lovely couple, Burkhard Langbehn and Trish Fox will be Chloe's new adopted owners. We have selected them from others as we saw their sincerity and loving care towards Chloe. Moreover, they own a male chi hua hua that was abandoned awhile back.

Anyway, it is not the end but a great beginning for Chloe... We will still be meeting up for the "Family Reunion" ;) do come and visit to check out our outings together...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Chloe , the Pup Princess in town!

This week will be viewing week for Chloe! For those interested to give her a new home, do make an appointment to view her via adoptapup@live.com . If you have a pet, do bring them down to ensure no inside conflict.. for more info, do email adoptapup@live.com !

Viewing Venue: Chinatown

Sunday, February 26, 2012

More about Chloe... Chi Hua Hua Princess..

Chloe stayed over for 2 nights... and I have learnt a lot about her... Whenever i put her at her bed, she would sit there for a while.. then after that climb out of her basket to cuddle by side to sleep...Last night was doing my weekend spring cleaning till around 4 am.. but to her, its just night ... so at 7 am, when the sun shines through my window, she greeted me morning by licking all over my face... I was too darn tired to respond, but she just continue doing anyway till i woke up and pet her back to sleep ...

After half an hour she woke me up again, this time with her tiny paws petting all over my face.. then when i opened my eyes, all i see her looking at my in my eyes with those "puppy look eyes" (Like the Puss in Boots eyes that will make you go awwwwwww) , then again i pet her to sleep...

Managed to get a few more hours of sleep though..

Good thing for sure she didn't did her business on my bed, she walked out to the diaper pad we placed for her to do her business.. Not every puppy will do such stuff.. so can say she is quite clever :)

Just to share the moments i had with her last night... Hope she will find a nice owner soon too!

Monday, February 20, 2012

When her name changed....

Due to her friendly and sweet character, we decided to change her name to Chloe instead. We are looking for a nice home with a great owner who can love her and take care of her... We have seen lots of pets being abandoned when they grew older and are no longer "cute". We do not want the same thing to Mimi's pup, Chloe. So We will take our time to select and get to know the owner before adoption.

For more info on Chloe, email at

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Time to look for a New Home for Spottie...

It is time to look for a new home for our female Chi Hua Hua Spottie... She is a double short coat Chi Hua Hua with a friendly personality just like the mother. Will post up a photo and video of how she is right now! For any enquiries, drop me a msg at adoptapup@live.com

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day #20 - The Doctor's Here...

It is time for Mimi's yearly vaccination! And yes, the pups has to be with her .. as they are still young... So we decided to let the vet do a check up on the pups and thankfully, the pups are healthy and fine ! :)
Here are the photos !

Mimi taking her temperature..

The pups having their checkup...

Brotherly and Sisterly Love..

Mimi taking her vaccination..

Dottie taking his deworming medicine..

Spottie taking her deworming medicine ..
 And last but not least, by looking at the pups faces, the deworming medicine sure tastes horrible!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day #19 - The pups in action... and they are bigger!

Dear ALL,

As i have been real busy with my work recently therefore the updates is a little late.. Here's another short video of the pups in action! If you like this video, share the joy! ;) Got quite a lot of photos backlogged so stay tuned!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day #18 - The Pups open their eyes to the world

The pups really grew real fast and they have already opened their eyes! Look how active they are!

Spottie cuddling with his mum....
Dottie sucking up milk from Mimi

Look how big they are now! Healthy and Strong! :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day #9 - Pups in Action! In their dreams....

As promised on letting you guys watch the pups live! So I did a short recordings to share... Enjoy ... Anyway, these pups are really active in their dreams indeed...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day #8 - The Pups have grown!

Mimi is so much more active than before.. more playful too... but she gets distracted easily while nursing the pups..  After being busy at work for a few days, I came by and was surprised how fast the pups have grown! Here are the shots!

The pups still have not open their eyes as they are still young.. but I noticed they can really have lots of dreams.. I will be posting up the videos of them live while dreaming in my next post.

Look how big Spottie is! He is really such a big boy now! Mimi has really nursed them well!

Suckling time..
Suckle Suckle Suckle..

We have to stay near the pups to pet Mimi as the pups is still snuckling on her. We tried leaving, but she just followed and left the pups there whining... So now we are more careful when we approach her for the pups sake! :)

Stay tuned for more.... Cuddly and Whinny pups update...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day #3 - When Mimi's at rest, Mao Mao's out to play!

While Mimi is nursing her pups at home, we brought Mao Mao for a fun outing at the Botanical Gardens. He became more dominating as a male especially after he became a father, he "marked" an auntie's red bag with his "fountain". We quickly apologized and the auntie replied us nicely saying that its ok.. that made us feel more ashamed..my gosh.... what a dominating Mao Mao indeed!

Some shots of him during the play time at the big field of Botanical Gardens:


Fishy Fishy Eye Feel.. Look at my watery eyes..



Cooling down...

5 min break.."Man that was tiring!"

After lots of runs.. well, got to rehydrate!

Then the run continues..."heh heh heh"

Run... Run... Run...

Then now...exhausted..."phew"

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day #2 - The Pups...

It is Day 2 after the birth of her bundles of Joy but we were sadden that one of the puppy that was given birth the last passed on. It wasn't moving and Mimi has been licking it to try to get it up, unfortunately, no response. We already thought of the name for it which is Brownie. So RIP Brownie.

As for the other two, they are very healthy and active but still have yet to open their eyes. These are the close up shots of her two puppies.

Let me introduce you.. Spottie! It is a female chi hua hua. The reason why she is on Mimi's back because when we move it away from Mimi, Mimi would stand up, and use its mouth to carry them up and put them beside her. So the only way, is to put it there for the shots.

This next puppy is Dottie... A male Chi hua hua. The reason how that name comes about is because of the dot on his head.  :)

We will update about the Mao Mao and Mi Mi's life for now while the pups are at their growing stage. Got to let them grow and have sufficient rest. Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day #1 - Mimi's Bundles Of Joy! - 4th January 2012

It was really an exhausting but happy afternoon on this special day. Mimi gave birth to two little puppies and when my maid went up to do her chores, well, you guessed it, she was horrified! She cried and called my mum saying that Mimi had given birth and blood was everywhere. My maid was then told to write down the birth timings of the puppies and wait for my mum to return home.

When my mum returned, they both started clearing up and one more little puppy was born. Now this is the best part --->
When my mum and maid wanted to clean up the mess while Mimi is still in labour, Maomao stood defensively in front of her, and growled at my mum and maid as he was protecting Mimi in her labour. Despite his small size, his animal instincts were amazing as we could see that he felt it was right to protect his mate at this point of time.

Maomao showed signs of a newly born and proud father. Just after Mimi was done giving birth, he paced back and forth outside the bathroom where Mimi and her puppies were kept. My maid tried to bring Maomao out for a walk, but he was very hesitant as he still wanted to be there for Mimi. Mimi is still quite defensive towards Maomao from coming close to her precious pups, so Maomao had to be left outside.

When I returned home to see Mimi and to take photos, Maomao was more calmed and went out with us for a walk.... Here are the photos of the puppies on this very special day... Will update more so do stay tuned!